Breakout 1
9:00 am
Aldrich 109
Bridging the Power Gap: Energy Solutions for Powering Africa’s Future
In the face of widespread energy inequities, this panel will examine how cross-border infrastructure and renewable energy innovation can reshape Africa’s energy landscape. Experts will discuss strategies for creating a unified energy grid across the continent, integrating both renewable and traditional energy sources. Attendees will learn how a coordinated approach can drive Africa’s energy independence and power economic growth
Other Sessions
Breakout 2
11:30 am
Aldrich 108
Sustainable Healthcare Delivery Models in Africa: Challenges, Solutions and Pathways Forward
This panel explores sustainable healthcare, local innovation, and partnerships to strengthen Africa’s health systems and tackle NCDs.
12:45 pm
Batten Hives 2nd Floor
Thematic Networking Lunches
Please join us on the second floor of Batten for lunch and networking
12:45 pm
Batten Hives 306
In Conversation: Patrick Njoroge
Join a Q&A with Dr. Patrick Njoroge on monetary policy, financial regulation, and Africa’s economy.