Breakout 1
10:15 am
Aldrich 111
Iterating Traditional PE for Africa
There have been several iterations of how to adapt the traditional PE fund for Africa's unique challenges. These include permanent capital vehicles, de novo funds and sovereign wealth funds. Are these iterations performing any better? What are the lessons for traditional PE from these experiments? What other iterations are LPs like DFIs willing to invest in next?
Other Sessions
Breakout 2
11:25 am
Aldrich 110
Uncharted Waters: Navigating the Delicate Balancing Act for Businesses and Investors Facing Political Risks in Africa
Tangible, hands-on approaches to managing political risks in the African context
Breakout 3
3:45 pm
Aldrich 109
Mapping the Way Forward: African Businesses in a Globalized World
Can Africa leverage unique and innovative partnership models to claim its rightful seat at the global economic table?
2:00 pm
Klarman Hall
Special Address from Patrick Achi
Special remarks from former Prime Minister of Cote d'Ivoire