Breakout 1
10:15 am
Aldrich 109
Ecosystem Development

Empowering Africa's Pharma Revolution

African nations are on the precipice of momentous changes in the healthcare landscape. Challenges in infectious disease still ravage major segments of the continent while chronic illnesses are emerging as the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. The push for changes, however, has often led to the adoption of partial solutions while the COVID-19 pandemic revealed that the most difficult problems remain unresolved. In this session, we are convening an elite group of professionals, ranging from drug manufacturers, regulators, entrepreneurs, and astute investors to discuss the critical issue of pharmaceutical production on the continent. This session is meticulously designed for decision-makers and innovators seeking to capture tremendous opportunity and make a tangible impact in the healthcare sector. 

Empowering Africa's Pharma Revolution

African nations are on the precipice of momentous changes in the healthcare landscape. Challenges in infectious disease still ravage major segments of the continent while chronic illnesses are emerging as the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. The push for changes, however, has often led to the adoption of partial solutions while the COVID-19 pandemic revealed that the most difficult problems remain unresolved. In this session, we are convening an elite group of professionals, ranging from drug manufacturers, regulators, entrepreneurs, and astute investors to discuss the critical issue of pharmaceutical production on the continent. This session is meticulously designed for decision-makers and innovators seeking to capture tremendous opportunity and make a tangible impact in the healthcare sector. 

Feb 17, 2024 10:15 AM
Aldrich 109

Other Sessions

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Breakout 1
10:15 am
Aldrich 110
Demographic Dividend: Leveraging Africa's Growing Workforce in a Globalized World
Unlocking Africa's massive workforce talent both for the continent and on the global scale
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Demographic Dividend: Leveraging Africa's Growing Workforce in a Globalized World

Over the last decade, widespread debate has occurred over the opportunities and risks of Africa's fast-growing youth population and the implications which this will have on Africa's workforce. How do we unlock Africa's massive workforce talent both for the continent and on the global scale for decades to come? Are there other geographies which African leaders should be drawing inspiration from as they position their nations for a new era in an increasingly globalized workforce? As working populations become older in many Western nations and African nations experience a rise in youth talent, what implications does this have for the dynamic of global talent and migration? Finally, which sectors should Africa be prioritizing its talent development efforts in to ensure a well-balanced skills distribution?

Feb 17, 2024 10:15 AM
Aldrich 110
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Breakout 2
11:25 am
Aldrich 110
Uncharted Waters: Navigating the Delicate Balancing Act for Businesses and Investors Facing Political Risks in Africa
Tangible, hands-on approaches to managing political risks in the African context
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Uncharted Waters: Navigating the Delicate Balancing Act for Businesses and Investors Facing Political Risks in Africa

With over 50 distinct countries, the African continent presents a kaleidoscope of regulatory environments, political climates, and macroeconomic challenges. From abrupt policy changes to unstable governance – epitomized by the recent wave of coups across West and Central Africa – doing business in Africa requires companies and investors to adapt to shifting sands. This panel delves into the tangible, hands-on approaches to managing political risks in the African context. How do stakeholders assess and prepare for potential political risks in Africa? How can businesses leverage grassroots community relations as a buffer against high-level political volatility? How are insurance models adapting to offer genuine, affordable, and durable protection to businesses and investors? How can dialogue between the public and private sectors remain robust amidst shifting political landscapes?

In a continent that is as rich in opportunities as it is in complexities, managing political risks becomes paramount for business success. This conversation will provide insights on this key topic to discuss the tools and tactics that will pave the way for successful business endeavors, and projects developed on the continent.

Feb 17, 2024 11:25 AM
Aldrich 110
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12:25 pm
Batten Hives 304
Thematic Lunch: Travel & Tourism
Themed Networking Lunch
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Thematic Lunch: Travel & Tourism

Connect with folks that are interested in travel and tourism in Africa over lunch.

Feb 17, 2024 12:25 PM
Batten Hives 304